Legal Notice

Identifying data of the person responsible for the website

In order to comply with the duty of information established in article 10 of the LSSI-CEwe inform the users of the website that its owner is PADEL ZOCO SL and we make the following information available to them:

Company name: PADEL ZOCO SL

Social Denomination: PADEL ZOCO SL

CIF: B56446222

Registered office: Calle de Caleruega 18, 15B. 28033 Madrid, España

Registration data: Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Madrid, Tomo: 45750, Libro: 0, Folio: 136, Sección: 8, Hoja: M-804210, lnscripción: 1

Domain name:


The contact details are as follows:


Tel: +34 608 385 717

The stated address will be considered the contact postal address for any communication.


The provider, the website responsible, makes available for the users this file that pretends to obey the disposed obligations in the Law 34/2002, of Information Society services and of the electronic commerce (LSSI-CE),as well as to inform the website users about the web usage conditions.

Every person who enters this website assumes the user role, promising to the observance and rigorous compliance of the disposed regulations, as well as any other legal regulation which may be applied.

The provider reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear in our website, without the duty of warning or notifying the users, understanding as enough the publication in the provider’s website.


The provider exempts him/herself from any type of responsibility derived from the published information on the website, providing that this information has been manipulated by a third external party.

The website can use cookies (small information files that the server sends to people whose computer enters the page) to carry out determined functions which are considered indispensable for the suitable functioning and site view. In no case the cookies will be used to collect information of personal character.

From the website it is possible to redirect to the contents of third websites. The provider cannot always control the content that those third websites publish. So s/he does not assume any type of responsibility for those contents. In any case, the provider will move away immediately any content that could contravene the current law both national and international, the moral or the public order, proceeding to the immediate moving away of the redirection to that website, letting the pertinent authorities know the content. 

The provider is not responsible for the saved information and content, expository but not limited articles, in forum, chats, blog generators, social networks or any other medium that allows third parties to publish independently in the provider’s website. However, and, in compliance with the disposed in the article 11 and 16 of the LSSI-CEthe provider will try to move away the content that may affect or contravene the current law both national or international, thirds’ rights or the public moral and order. In the case that the user considers that there is in the website some content that could be of this type, we be him/her to notify immediately to the website administrator.

This website has been revised and approved so as to work correctly. In principle, the correct functioning can be guaranteed 365 days per year, 24 hours a day. However, the provider does not reject the possibility that certain errors may appear, such as programing errors or natural catastrophes, strikes or similar circumstances that make impossible to the webpage.

Personal Data Protection

The provider is completely committed to the Spanish Law of personal character data protection and guarantees the whole compliance of the disposed duties, as well as the implementation of the safety measures disposed in the article 9 of the Law 15/1999, protections of personal character data (LOPD) and the development rules of the LOPD.

The provider makes available to the users the Política de Privacidad de la entidad informing the users the following aspects:

  • Treatment Responsible Data.
  • Treated Data.
  • File in which they’re saved
  • Treatment Purpose.
  • Obligatory nature or not of easing them, as well as the consequences of not easing them.
  • About the existing rights for all the users and the procedures to exercise them.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

The website, including the expository article but not limited programming, edition, compilation and other necessary elements to its working, the contents of the website are duly protected by the intellectual and industrial property law, as well as the enrolled public and corresponding registers.

Independently of the purpose for which the destinations were, the total or partial copy, use or exploitation, distribution and commercialization, requires in any case the previous authorization written by the provider. Any usage not authorized by the provider will be considered a grave unfulfillment of the intellectual and industrial property rights.

The designs, logotypes, text and/or graphics external to the provider that could appear in the website, belong to their respective owners, being themselves the responsible of any possible controversy that could provoke regarding themselves. The provider authorized expressly to third parties that can redirect to concrete content on the website, having to redirect in no case to the website of the provider.

The provider recognises in favor of their owners their corresponding rights of intellectual and industrial property, not meaning that the mention or apparition in the website that they have the rights or responsibilities about them, neither about the recommendations or the support by the provider.

To carry out any type of observation, regarding the possible unfulfillments of the rights of the industrial and intellectual property, as well as of any other website content, you can do it through the following email: 

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

For the resolutions of all the controversies or questions related to this website or the activities in it developed, the Spanish Law will be applied, being competent for the resolution of all the derived conflicts or the related ones to the use of the Judges and Courts of El Escorial ( Madrid).